Flight time from the United States to India is 17 hours, 21 minutes. Using an average speed of 500 mph, or 805 km/h, or 434 knots, a commercial airliner is used to calculate this figure. Taking off and landing adds another 30 minutes to the flight time. You may arrive at a different time depending on the wind direction and speed. When planning a trip, it’s a good idea to allow more time for the plane to taxi from the gate to the runway. It only takes into account the time spent flying. When planning a trip, airport delays and equipment or weather delays should also be considered. It would help if you kept in mind that there may be a time difference between the US and India, which could affect your arrival time.

Flight time is calculated using the straight line distance (“as the crow flies”) between the United States and India, which is about 8,422 miles (13,554 kilometres). Your journey begins in the United States. It reaches India in the end . From the United States to India, fly due north (7 degrees from North). Flight time calculators determine the average flight time between two points. The great circle formula is used to calculate the distance.
It takes 14 hours to fly from Newyork City (EWR) to Delhi on a nonstop flight operated by United or Air India; however, other airlines’ layovers in Dubai, Doha, or other cities can add 3–5 hours to your travel time. As of January 15, 2022, there will be more frequent nonstop flights between Chicago and Delhi, thanks to Air India. There are now six flights a week on this route as of this week, thanks to the addition of a fifth flight on Fridays. SFO to BLR and ORD to HYD from San Francisco International Airport was added to the airline’s nonstop service between the United States and India in January of 2021.
Few direct flights connect Hyderabad with New York City. As a result, you’ll have to make additional stops along the way. In these cases, the flight time depends on the stopover destination that your airline or the one you chose while booking your ticket specifies or specifies.
It is advantageous for Indian airlines to fly from the east coast of India to the west coast of the United States because of this. New Delhi to San Francisco is 9506 miles away, and Air-India operated the world’s longest flight from that city to San Francisco as of October 2016. Air India’s Boeing-777 200ER surpassed Emirates’ Dubai-Auckland route, which had previously held the record for the world’s longest flight at 14,120 kilometres, by taking an eastern route (8,825 miles). When Air India flew east over the Pacific and took advantage of the 86mph Jet Stream tailwinds, it reduced flight time by two hours. Winds blow from west to east because the Earth’s axis of rotation is west to east. If you fly west, headwinds reduce your actual ground speed, whereas if you fly east, they increase it. In the Atlantic, planes typically encounter headwinds of 24 kmph, while planes flying over the Pacific typically encounter tailwinds of 138kmph, resulting in a ground speed of 938 kmph. The relaunch of the Singapore-New York route, which will cover 16,500 kilometres (10,252 miles) in just 19 hours, is being planned by Singapore Airlines.