Google is a US-based internet company that was founded on September 4, 1996.
Gооglе’s main headquarters are located in San Francisco, California, in the San Francisco Bay Area, in the Liсоn Valley. Google LLC is the official business name of Google. Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded the company.

Google’s net worth for the year 2022
The total value of Google LLC (Alphabet) is $1770 billion. Alphabet Inc., the company that owns Google, has a market capitalization of 131 lakh crore rupees (approximately $131 billion). You may not have noticed, but the number of times you go to is far greater than the number of times you eat. In today’s world, Google earns $50 million per day, demonstrating its monetary importance. Adverts for products and services generate a lot of money for Google.
90% of Google’s revenue comes from advertising. A further 10% of revenue is generated from other internet and product services. A projection based on the past three years’ revenue growth has been made by the company.
Google now employs over a million people and caters to a global clientele. After Apple, Alphabet Inc. is the company’s primary sponsor. About a decade ago, Apple had a brand value of about $200 billion, while Google had a value of about $140 billion.
Other Google-affiliated companies run by Alphabet Inc. include Google Fibre, GV, Salico, Waymo, X and Verily. It is estimated that Alphabet has a net worth of around $900 billion, which places it just below Amazon and Apple.
Google’s primary areas of focus include a variety of internet-based initiatives, such as:
Services and systems for running computers i.e. Android mobile operating system, Google Search, SmartWatch, Google Home, Google Cars, Google SV, Google Home, Google Home, Google Home, etc.
Products made out of metal
G-suite and other enterprise platforms
Advertisements for Search Engines
All of Google’s other products and services include email, Gооglе Fibеr, Gоoglе Nеws and many more, among others.
2022 Alphabet’s Net Worth
1.Net Worth 2022 $1770 Billion
2.Net Worth in Indian 131 Lakhs CroresRupees (INR)
3.Total Assets $327 Billion
4.Net income $51,363 Million
5.Revenue $239 Billion
Net Worth over the last five years
Year Net Worth
January 2022 $1770 Billion
2021 $1978 Billion
2020 $1210 Billion
2019 $934 Billion
2018 $749 Billion
2017 $670 Billion
Total Assets of Alphabet over last five years
Year Total Assets (Millions of US $)
2021 $347,403
2020 $319,616
2019 $275,909
2018 $232,792
2017 $197,295
Revenue of Alphabet Inc. and Google over last five years
Year Annual Revenue (Millions of US $)
2021 $239,210
2020 $182,527
2019 $161,857
2018 $136,819
2017 $110,855
Accolades and Honours
Today’s digital world would not exist without Google. Internet search engine market share is more than 75% for this company. Google has never received a specific award. Google’s greatest accomplishment is that you’re reading this right now because of them. As a result, Google was once ranked as the second-largest IT company in the world. Regardless of how you look at it, everyone or everything is somehow linked to Google.