Nowadays, there has been this new trend of high rise buildings. Trends come and go but one major aspect that needs instant attention, especially in the case of high-rise buildings and other buildings as well is whether they are earthquake resistant or not.
Earthquakes in a way test the strength and reliability of a building. We have seen in the past couple of months how frequent earthquakes have been leading to devastating effects. Hence, the prime concern for every citizen right now is to check whether the building where he/she is staying or if planning to buy a new one, is earthquake safe or not.

There are a lot of parameters through which you can make sure of this. Below are some pointers to guide you:
The first thing you should know is what’s your BUILDING’S AGE? If it is a newly constructed building, you should check if it is designed as per Indian building code. Also, ask for a Seismic Design Compliance Certificate from your builder.
Go for the VISUAL CHECK. You must stay alert about the safety of the house, if you tend to notice the below-mentioned things in the house:
Deep cracks in between slabs and beams.
Deep continuous cracks in roofs and walls.
Vibration while you move furniture or while someone runs on the floor.
Conduct an INSPECTION. For this hire a certified structural engineer or an architect who can inspect the building and point out the loopholes. A particular building needs to be designed and constructed in a way that it is able to withstand both horizontal and vertical forces caused by an earthquake.
MOISTURE CHECK is another important parameter. The strength of a building depends on the soil beneath it. If the soil has high clay content then it can damage the house structure. The soil moisture conditions need to be stable. The gutters should be kept clean so that the rainwater goes to the drain and not under the building.
You can go for other tests as well such as ‘LOAD BEARING TEST’ for ensuring the stability of the building. These tests are also done by certified structural engineers.
Your safety is in your hands. And these points will help you to ensure safety for yourself as well as for your family. So be aware and prepared for earthquakes.